27 December 2008

Santa Claus di Luagan Dudok, Tutong

Ok, Before i start, merry xmas to all you dusun n non dusun people. I held an open house for 2 days hoping santa claus drop in my living room but nahh, nda ia dtg ah si lampuh ah. so here are some pics wanna show you lately that is happening in the dusun house ( bukan rumah panjang, rumah modern ni).

The first family that come to my house on the 25th.. kul 10 pagi.. gigi masih bertahi.. bulu ketiak disorganize...

Azwan and azri murat.. setelah kedua2 nya dtg umah..dua jahanam especially yang tengah2 atu minta ampau.. ingatnya hari raya kali ..

Guest having a good time

Ahmrey cakap .. this is one dusun guy who was born to meet me.. never miss my xmas open house.. (luv this dude)

While makan2 and chit chat.. a serious game of pool happen outside the house..

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